Calling all amateur and professional photographers

We are all enjoying more time out and about on walks, taking in the fresh air, whilst noticing the beauty Nature has to offer. It has been great to see every ones captions through their lenses especially during this time. We are looking for photo’s of the following tree’s for our library on our website and would love you to share your photos with us. It could be the entire tree and or bark, leaves and flowers.

  • River Red Gums - Camaldulenis

  • Silky Oak - Grevillea Robusta

  • Wattle - Acacia Pycnantha

  • Bush Yates - Eucalyptus Lehmannii

  • Kurrajong - Brachychiton Populneus

Please email your photo’s to or send us a message on FB All photographers will be credited on our webpage for their photos


Mothers Day made with LOVE


How to Use Isolation Time Positively