How to Use Isolation Time Positively

We are living in unprecedented times. The last few weeks have been turbulent for everyone. We thought we would give some thought to how to use this time positively, whilst looking to the future with hope.

Most of us have been pushed into a new rhythm. A slower, more simple way of living.


Here are some ideas for keeping yourselves occupied during self isolation –


Get out in the garden

If you are lucky enough to have some space for a garden at home, tend to those plants you have been neglecting. Plant some vegetables for the coming months, to keep your supermarket trips to a minimum. Get you hands in the earth. There is something relaxing about spending time in the garden. If you don’t have one, think about creating a little herb garden in your kitchen, or caring for a new indoor plant. Even a small dose of nature is beneficial for us during this time of uncertainty.

Find a new movement practice

There are so many free resources online relating to movement and exercise. Try a free yoga class, or perhaps a Latin dance tutorial or HIIT workout. Get the blood pumping and your energy circulating in a new way. We are lucky to be living in an age where this is possible. Make the most of this accessibility and move your body in a new way whilst we are confined to our homes. Exercise is also great for our mental health whilst readjusting to these new rhythms of our lives.



Read that book you’ve been meaning to pick up for months. Clear some new space in your day for quiet reading. It will be a lovely distraction from the constant bombardment of news updates. Try a new genre, or perhaps digest some non fiction and fill your brain with a topic unrelated to present times.


Learn a language or new skill online for free

Take an online course! There are so many platforms now with hundreds of incredible free courses. Learn a new language, get a certificate in beekeeping, or study ancient history in Greece. The opportunities are endless! Have a browse.


Get in touch with your loved ones via Facetime or Zoom

Even though we are in isolation from seeing others in person, it is important to reach still reach out to our loved ones. Check in when you can through platforms like FaceTime or Zoom. This doesn’t have to be a time devoid of human connection. We just have to be a little creative about staying in touch!


Board games or Jigsaw puzzles with the people you love

If you are isolating with family or housemates, there is nothing like some old fashioned / screen-less fun. Pull out your old board games and have a tournament, or perhaps challenge everyone to a particularly tricky jigsaw puzzle. Perhaps a glass of wine and an after dinner chess game?


Learn to cook a new dish

Get your culinary hat on! Try out some new recipes. Bake a cake. Learn recipes from an international cuisine you’ve always wanted to try your hand at, but never made the time for. Your family will love you for it.

Join our Online Membership

Support the Arboretum! Join our Membership for your family, sign up Juniors for a year for zero cost. Use exclusive discounts for our online store, with all funds supporting the trees of the Arboretum.

Get creative and make some art

Have a creative afternoon one day, let your mind wander and create some art with no expectations. Draw, paint, make a scrapbook, play with some clay. Anything to get yourself out of your head and the worries of the world, and into creative flow. Have fun! Make a date out of it with someone else in your household.


Declutter / Reorganise your home

Have a big Spring Clean! (In Autumn..). Tackle a different section of your home each day. Recycle old things you no longer need, organise your pantry, wipe down all surfaces, go through your wardrobe. You will feel so good after a few days getting organised. Uplift your home and make it an inspiring place to reside during the coming months.



Take a moment for stillness each day. There are some great apps that you can use to find beautiful guided meditations, 100% free. Try Insight Timer. Or perhaps put on some ambient music and lead your own meditation. Become the observer of your thoughts for 10 minutes or so. It is important during this time to take a moment to disconnect from bad news, fear and constant updates. Plug into the feelings of a positive future.


We hope you enjoyed our suggestions, feel free to send through any of your own! Have a beautiful week. We send our love to everyone.

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